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Battles of Gabiene and Paraitakene - Second War of the Diadochi DOCUMENTARY
Lost Battles Boardgame - Session Report: Battle of Gabiene
Starting to Think Alexander Wasn't That Great: Battle of Gabiene (315 BCE)
Lost Battles Boardgame - Session Report: Battle of Gabiene initial deployment.
Great Battles of Alexander - Battle of Gabiene - Intro
Lost Battles Boardgame - Session Report: Battle of Gabiene
Battle of Gabiene
Great Battles of Alexander - Battle of Gabiene - 1
Great Battles of Alexander - Battle of Gabiene - 2
Great Battles of Alexander - Battle of Gabiene - 4 - Finale
The Hidden Truth of Gabiene and Paraitakene War (Alexander)
Great Battles of Alexander - Battle of Gabiene - 3